12 Tasty Starbucks Pink Drinks & How to Order Each Customization

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Here's a list of some of the best Starbucks Pink Drinks, ways to modify the Pink Drink and how to order each customization in-person or using the Starbucks app.
Tips for Ordering Starbucks Pink Drinks with customizations.

A customized Pink Drink at Starbucks is a regular Pink Drink that’s modified in one or more ways.

Popular Ways to Order a Modified Pink Drink

  • Add rich and creamy cold foam on top of a Pink Drink.
  • Mix in a flavored syrup.
  • Swap the coconut milk for another type of milk.
  • Combine it with another drink.

The Pink Drink itself was originally a custom ordered Strawberry Acai Refresher with coconut milk substituted in place of water. Now it’s an official menu drink that customers love to customize even more.

One thing to keep in mind, like all Starbucks Refreshers, the Pink Drink contains caffeine and sugar and it cannot be ordered without either. Other than that, any Pink Drink modification you can dream up is probably possible.

RELATED: Do Starbucks Refreshers Have Caffeine? See Exactly How Much!

Best Pink Drinks to Order

If you love the Pink Drink from Starbucks and are looking for some new and delicious ways to switch it up, here’s a list of the most popular “secret menu” Pink Drinks. Ordering tips are provided for each beverage.

1. TikTok Pink Drink

The TikTok Pink Drink modification replaces the coconut milk in the standard drink with heavy cream. In addition, vanilla bean powder is added to the drink and it’s topped with a decadent swirl of whipped cream.

What’s in it: Strawberry Acai Refreshers Base + Strawberry Fruit Inclusions + Ice + Heavy Cream (customization) + Vanilla Bean Powder (customization) + Whipped Cream (customization)

How to Order: Ask the barista for a Pink Drink modified with heavy cream, vanilla bean powder and whipped cream. This customization cannot be ordered on the Starbucks app since there’s not a way to add in vanilla bean powder.

2. Pink Drink with Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam

Venti Pink Drink with vanilla sweet cream cold foam.
Ordering a Pink Drink with a layer of vanilla sweet cream cold foam on top is one of the most popular customizations.

Starbucks vanilla sweet cream cold foam was originally a topping meant for cold brew coffee drinks, but customers love it on all kinds of iced drinks, including the Pink Drink.

What’s in it: Strawberry Acai Refreshers Base + Coconutmilk + Strawberry Fruit Inclusions + Ice + Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam (customization)

How to Order: Ask the barista for a Pink Drink with vanilla sweet cream cold foam. On the Starbucks app, order a Pink Drink then click customize. In the toppings section, select vanilla sweet cream cold foam.

3. Strawberry Cream Pink Drink

This popular Pink Drink modification is pink all over, with even more strawberry deliciousness throughout.

What’s in it: Strawberry Acai Refreshers Base + Coconutmilk + Strawberry Fruit Inclusions + Ice + Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam (customization) + Strawberry Puree (customization)

How to Order: Ask the barista for a Pink Drink topped with vanilla sweet cream cold foam with strawberry puree blended into the foam. Unfortunately it’s not possible to custom order this beverage on the app since you cannot indicate that you want strawberry puree blended into the sweet cream topping.

4. Matcha Pink Drink

Starbucks Pink Drink with matcha cold foam added on top.
Pink Drink with matcha cold foam on top.

The Matcha Pink Drink is simply a pink drink with a layer of matcha cold foam. At first glance, you might not think a strawberry-flavored pink drink and matcha go together, but it works. Here’s a closer look at the Pink Drink with matcha cold foam.

What’s in it: Strawberry Acai Refreshers Base + Coconutmilk + Strawberry Fruit Inclusions + Ice + Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam (customization) + Matcha Powder (customization)

How to Order: Ask the barista for a Pink Drink with a topping of vanilla sweet cream cold foam with matcha powder blended into the foam. You need to order this drink in person since there’s not an option to select matcha cold foam for a Pink Drink on the app.

5. Chocolate Covered Strawberry Pink Drink

Pink Drink ordered with a layer of chocolate cream cold foam added on top.
One of the best ways to custom order a Starbucks Pink Drink is to add on a layer of chocolate cream cold foam.

If you love chocolate covered strawberries, then put this Pink Drink modification on your list of “must try” drinks. A creamy, silky layer of chocolate cream is the perfect Pink Drink complement.

Here’s a complete look at the secret menu chocolate-covered strawberry Pink Drink.

What’s in it: Strawberry Acai Refreshers Base + Coconutmilk + Strawberry Fruit Inclusions + Ice + Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam (customization) + Chocolate Malt Powder (customization)

How to Order: Ask the barista for a Pink Drink with a topping of chocolate cream cold foam. On the Starbucks app, start off by ordering a Pink Drink, then click the customization button. In the toppings section, select chocolate cream cold foam.

6. Pink Drink with White Mocha Cold Foam

White mocha lovers will love this simple, yet decadent Pink Drink variation. Rich white mocha sauce is blended into vanilla sweet cream cold foam topping which slowly cascades into the sweet strawberry Pink Drink. Each sip is heaven and reminiscent of strawberries and cream Creme Savers candy.

What’s in it: Strawberry Acai Refreshers Base + Coconutmilk + Strawberry Fruit Inclusions + Ice + Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam (customization) + White Mocha Sauce (customization)

How to Order: Ask the barista for a Pink Drink with vanilla sweet cream cold foam with white mocha sauce blended into the foam. This custom order beverage is not available to order on the Starbucks app.

7. Strawberry Creme Savers

Here’s another white mocha and Pink Drink combo. This one is reminiscent of Creme Savers candy.

What’s in it: Strawberry Acai Refreshers Base + Coconutmilk + Strawberry Fruit Inclusions + Ice + White Mocha Sauce (customization)

How to Order: Ask the barista for a Pink Drink with white mocha sauce. There’s not an option to add sauce to a Pink Drink on the Starbucks app, so this particular modification must be ordered in person.

8. Peaches & Cream Pink Drink

This extra fruity Starbucks Refreshers is perfect for summer.

What’s in it: Strawberry Acai Refreshers Base + Coconutmilk + Peach Juice + Ice + Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam (customization)

How to Order: Ask the barista for a Pink Drink with peach juice and without any strawberries and a topping of vanilla sweet cream cold foam.

To mobile order this drink, simply order a Pink Drink and change the number of scoops of strawberries to 0. Then in the Juice Options section, select peach juice blend. Finally, under Toppings, select vanilla sweet cream cold foam.

9. Pink Starburst Pink Drink

If you’re the person that picks all the pink Starbursts out of the bag, then you might want to give this fun, super-sweet drink a try.

What’s in it: Strawberry Acai Refreshers Base + Coconutmilk + Strawberry Fruit Inclusions + Ice + Vanilla Syrup (customization) + White Mocha Sauce (customization)

How to Order: Ask the barista for a Pink Drink with pumps of vanilla syrup and white mocha sauce. This custom order beverage is not available to order on the Starbucks app.

10. Blended Pink Drink

This Pink Drink customization is simply a regular Pink Drink that’s blended. The result is a slushy-like drink similar to a Starbucks Blended Strawberry Lemonade.

What’s in it: Strawberry Acai Refreshers Base + Coconutmilk + Strawberry Fruit Inclusions + Ice + Creme Frappuccino Syrup (customization)

How to Order: Ask the barista for a double-blended Pink Drink. To order a blended Pink Drink with the Starbucks app, just click the customization button, then select the blended option under preparation methods. The barista will know to add-in the creme frappuccino syrup since it’s a blended drink, so you don’t need to request it.

11. Keto Pink Drink

Technically speaking, a keto Starbucks pink drink isn’t actually a Pink Drink. Sure it’s pink in color, but it’s not made with strawberry acai Refreshers base. Instead, sugar-free passion tango tea is substituted in to reduce the number of carbs.

What’s in it: Passion Tango Iced Tea (base drink) + Heavy Cream (customization) + Sugar-free Vanilla Syrup (customization) + Strawberry Fruit Inclusions (customization) + Ice

How to Order: Ask the barista for a passion tango iced tea with a splash of heavy cream, sugar-free vanilla syrup and optionally, strawberries. If desired, order the tea without water, and add in stevia for extra sweetness.

To mobile order a keto pink drink, go to the iced tea section and select passion tango iced tea. Select “no water” if desired, then click customize. Under Sweeteners, select Stevia (optional). In the Flavors section, choose sugar-free vanilla syrup. In the Add-ins section choose splash of heavy cream and strawberries (optional).

To make this drink at home, here’s my easy Starbucks copycat pink drink recipe.

12. Skinny Pink Drink

Starbucks strawberry acai Refreshers juice is filled with sugar, so to order a skinny Pink Drink, you’ll need to switch the base drink to Passion Tango tea.

What’s in it: Passion Tango Iced Tea (base drink) + Coconut Milk (customization) + Sugar-free Vanilla Syrup (customization) + Strawberry Fruit Inclusions (customization) + Ice

How to Order: Ask the barista for a passion tango iced tea shaken with a splash of coconutmilk, sugar-free vanilla syrup and a scoop of strawberries.

To mobile order a skinny pink drink, get a passion tango iced tea. In the Flavors section, choose sugar-free vanilla syrup. In the Add-ins section choose splash of coconutmilk and strawberries.


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